Here is all you need to know to build a gingerbread house: a delicious recipe, instructions for assembly, and a printable template provided by Nina Cooke...
These are the cookies that stopped me in my tracks. I was wandering along a side street in Paris's 11th Arrondissement, saw these cookies on a counter...
Lovers of pecan sandies will adore these crisp, buttery treats that are a cinch to put together. The recipe is an adaptation of one developed by Dorie...
You might think there's nothing new to learn about chocolate chip cookies, but this recipe by the baker and blogger Sarah Kieffer will prove you wonderfully...
These cookies offer a terrific blend of salty and sweet, with the crunch of the peanuts lending a bit of texture to a chewy treat. They are also very easy...
All you need to shape this dead simple dough are your hands (and maybe a helper or two). Decidedly more "grown up" in flavor - both the molasses and cocoa...
Popular all over Latin America, dulce de leche confections called alfajores come in many varieties. In this popular version, delicate, crumbly butter cookies...
In 2012, The Times invited readers to submit their favorite cookie recipes. Amy Casey of Sparta, N.J., submitted this unusual recipe for shortbread that...
In 2012, The Times invited readers to submit their favorite cookie recipes. Amy Casey of Sparta, N.J., submitted this unusual recipe for shortbread that...
You wouldn't necessarily think adding rye flour to brownies would be a good idea, but it's fabulous. The flour lends a deep earthiness that works wonderfully...
These tender, spiced pumpkin cookies with browned butter icing were adapted from Pat Young, the winner of the best pumpkin recipe at the 83rd Pumpkin Show...
These cookies offer a terrific blend of salty and sweet, with the crunch of the peanuts lending a bit of texture to a chewy treat. They are also very easy...
Here is all you need to know to build a gingerbread house: a delicious recipe, instructions for assembly, and a printable template provided by Nina Cooke...
The egg whites in the batter keep these buttery shortbread-like cookies crumbly and light (and provide a place for all those spare egg whites you accumulate...
These soft-centered, marbled bars have all the hallmarks of a winning autumnal treat - spiced pumpkin, rich dark chocolate, toasty pecans and a splash...
This recipe comes from Sister Pie, a Detroit bakery specializing in pies and baked goods, like blueberry plum balsamic pie, buttered corn scones and rhubarb...
Whether you're making Santas or dreidls, shamrocks or bunnies, this foolproof cookie and royal icing recipe is the only one you need. Don't skip chilling...
Glazed and dotted with sprinkles, this Danish treat sandwiches raspberry jam between two buttery cookie layers - and has Pop-Tarts vibes. Popular in bakeries...
These provocatively named cookies came to The Times in a 1999 Sunday Magazine article about Mrs. London's Bake Shop, a husband and wife owned bakery in...